
Return Request Form

Return Policy Details

You may return or exchange (for color or size) any item you have purchased through the SŪTRAS website within ten (10) days after the products are received.

All return shipments are provided free of charge.

Each item must be in original, new and unused condition, with all its original tags and labels still attached.

The following policy applies only to Goods purchased on our Website.

We cannot accept returns/exchanges of Goods purchased on other websites, in physical stores, or Goods from countries where we do not ship merchandise directly.

The above policy applies only to products purchased on our website ( We cannot accept returns or exchanges for products purchased on other websites, in our physical stores, or Goods from countries where we do not ship merchandise directly.

In case of payment by wire transfer received from a country outside the European Union, you will be contacted by our Customer Service to obtain all necessary information. Please note that the bank account provided for the reimbursement must be the same bank account used for the original purchase.

For more information, contact the Customer Service at or +41 79 606 07 64